Graha Samaya
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Sunday, January 24, 2021
Graha Samaya
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Indriyas or the senses and astrological relevance in Medical astrology
Tanmatra (Sanskrit: तन्मात्र) is a noun which means – rudimentary or subtle
element, merely that, mere essence, potential or only a trifle. There are five
sense perceptions – hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell, and there are the
five tanmatras correspondings to the five sense perceptions and five
sense-organs. The tanmatras combine and re-combine in different ways to produce
the gross elements – earth, water, fire, air and ether, which make up the gross
universe perceived by the senses. The senses play their part by coming into
contact with the objects and carry impressions of them to the manas which
receives and arranges them into a precept
Indriya (इन्द्रिय, “faculties”) refers to a set of “twenty-two faculties
constituted by the organs”, according to the 2nd century Mahāprajñāpāramitāśāstra chapter 38.
twenty-two indriyas are constituted by the organs, the
sensations or the faculties as follows:
cakṣus (sight), (Organ eyes- sun and moon the two eyes,
Mars the sense of sight) चक्षु इन्द्रिय का विषय वर्ण है। वह पाँच प्रकार का होता है। काला, नीला, पीला, लाल और सफेद।
śrotra (hearing), (Organ-Ears, Jupiter is ether, the ether
is tanmatra of sound, therefore the sense of hearing) श्रोत्र इन्द्रिय का विषय शब्द है। वह सात प्रकार का होता है। षड्ज, ऋषभ, गान्धार, मध्यम, पञ्चम, धैवत और निषाद। इन्हें सा, रे, गा, मा, प, ध, नि भी कहते हैं।
ghrāna (smell), (organ Nose- Venus represents sense of
smell Mars represents the nose) घ्राण इन्द्रिय का विषय गन्ध है, वह दो प्रकार की होती है। सुगन्ध और दुर्गन्ध।
jihvā (taste), (organ- Tongue – mercury represents sense
of taste, Venus the salivary glands) रसना इन्द्रिय का विषय रस है, वह पाँच प्रकार का होता है। खट्टा, मीठा, कडुवा, कषायला और चरपरा।
kāya (touch), (Organ – Skin, Planet mercury represents
the skin and Saturn the sense of Touch) स्पर्शन इन्द्रिय का विषय स्पर्श है, वह आठ प्रकार का होता है। शीत, उष्ण, रूखा, चिकना, कोमल, कठोर, हल्का और भारी।
manas (mind), (Moon is mind, Prana and the body)
puruṣendriya (male organ), (organ- Penis- Mars)
strīndriya (female organ), (Organ – Vagina- Venus)
jīvitendriya (vital organ), (Vital organs – Jupiter it’s also
called Jeeva)
10. sukha (sensation of
pleasure), (Jupiter is significator for Sukha, it’s a mental sense, a condition
of mind- Moon)
11. duḥkha (sensation of
displeasure), (Saturn signifies the Dukha or Unhappiness)
12. saumanasya (sensation
of satisfaction), (Jupiter will represent)
13. daurmanasya (sensation
of dissatisfaction), (Rahu will represent)
14. upekṣā (sensation
of indifference), (Partly Rahu, Partly Mercury)
15. śraddhā (faculty
of faith), (Jupiter)
16. vīrya (faculty of energy),
17. smṛti (faculty of
mindfulness), (Jupiter Samriti means memory)
18. samādhi (faculty
of concentration), (Mercury, Jupiter the budhhi and Sad budhhi)
19. prajñā (faculty of wisdom),
three faculties of understanding the truths:
20. anājñātamājñāsyāmi-indriya (the faculty signifying “I will understand [the
holy truths] which I do not yet understand”).
21. ājñā-indriya (the
faulty of understanding assuring the understanding of these truths).
22. ājñātāvī-indriya (the
faculty belonging to the saint who has understood the truths).
so many others, why are these twenty-two Dharmas the only ones to be indriyas?
The word indriya, derived from the root id or ind, is synonymous
with great power (paramaiśvarya), with control (ādhipatya). The
twenty-two Dharmas in question have the characteristic of being dominant in
regard to the living being (sattva) in that which concerns: 1. his
primary constitution (mauladravya), 2. his distinctiveness (vikalpa),
3. his duration (sthiti), 4. his moral defilement (saṃkleśa),
5. his purification (vyavadāna).
ज्ञानेन्द्रियां हैं- रूप, शब्द, गंध, स्पर्श और रस की और कर्मेन्द्रियां हैं- हाथ, पैर, वाणी, मल विसर्जन और प्रजनन की इन्द्रियां।
मन को 11वीं इन्द्रिय माना जाता है, जो ज्ञानेन्द्रियों और कर्मेन्द्रियों के बीच नियामक का काम करता है। ये इन्द्रियां और मन हमारे ज्ञान और कर्म के साधन मात्र न होकर इस संसार को भोगने के भी साधन हैं। संसार का सुख भोगने में मन विचार और कल्पना के द्वारा भी सहायता करता है।
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