The astrological thought process on exaltation of planets.
The sun exalts in the Aries the first house of natural
zodiac, it represents the soul on the one side it is flanked by a moksha (
self-realization ) representing house the 12th, where Venus exalts
because it rules over the senses and enjoyments to be derived therein at the
same time it symbolizes moksha through the control of the senses. On the other, the side is planet moon the planet of expression of thoughts and emotions the family
ties it takes root in an earthly sign so the soul is now tied to family and
relations. Moon represents the life force required to sustain and that’s the
water so it nurtures and creates the nature and can be called Prakriti or
nature. In the second Kendra is where Jupiter imparts wisdom and symbolizes
learning and the wisdom we derive from the subconscious expression of the moon the
mind, Jupiter in the house representing the mind tries to keep us righteous by
providing us a code of conduct and dharma to rely on in rally tough times, in 4th
it tries to bring our actions as
represented by mars in 10th and Saturn in 10th from 10th therein, doing so it tries to clear
obstructions in souls movement towards realization or moksha the ultimate aim.
Therefore, Jupiter is rightfully said to be the advisor the minister for the
king the soul for it’s the code of conduct as emphasized by
wisdom/learning/dharma. Mercury represents the intellect and is a part of the mind
or it represents the use of brain faculty to discriminate, compete and achieve
using your intellect. In other words Mercury the intellect can be called the
child of the mind as it represents the intellect part of it while Jupiter
represents the higher learning and
wisdom notice these three planets are in third to each other third represents
the subconscious mind or the stored information or the library of
information for the use of wisdom or intellect. From mercury moon is 9th
and symbolizes the father so we can say mercury represents a faculty of
intellect or part of the whole that is called mind .Do remember the story about
the birth of mercury and the role of Moon the mind. Jupiter represents the subconscious
representation of mind and means the wisdom thus acquired while mercury
symbolizes the use of wisdom for the intellect. Venus in 12 represents the
bhoga or indulgence for the senses the placement
of mercury opposite to it means to stop indulgence at a certain level by
relying on intellect and reasoning, while Saturn in 8th from the
exaltation place signifies trying to control the senses or trying to keep the
two parts of scale evenly balanced and that is the outcome of thoughts and actions
so its no wonder that Saturn is called
Karam karaka and represents austerities
and hardships self-inflicted or otherwise. Saturn in 7th represents
the struggle required to sustain and live, it is in 10th from 10th
represents the subtle influence of karma bhava as its karma of the karma bhava, so aggressive actions and fightbacks require the deep-set control of Saturn, Saturn
strives to keep the balance between thoughts and actions, while the control
that Jupiter exerts on Mars is on the basis of judicious use of wisdom is
on mental the control emphasized by
Saturn is the actual practical experience. In the physical body, Saturn is the
structural support and the 7th house is the control valve of the
body enabling it to retain everything essential and release the waste. Similarly,
Saturn is in 8th from the indulgence of senses representing
planet Venus can help let go of the vices thus required for the ultimate goal of
self-realization. Mars in the karma bhava represents our survival and struggle
for the two factors the needs for self and family the second factor is to stay
within the ambit of code of conduct as set by society or dharma. Mars also
represents the physical defense system within our body, signifying the response
against diseases and pollutants in the shape of viruses and bacteria. In the sign
designated to Saturn, therefore, the struggles related to maintaining a stoical
as represented by Saturn.
Sign wise Sun in the sign of Mars Aries, the fire element that the soul has to come through the fire for salvation, the influence of mars gives
the protection of aggressive, bold and
ever reliant Mars.Moon in sign Taurus and in the element earth and a fixed
modality sign gives stability and environment to ever-fluctuating mind, the
earth element coupled with the water representing signs makes nature grow
and sustain. The significant influence of Venus signifies the reproduction and
growth, the moon represents the womb or ureter and fallopian tubes while Venus the
ovaries and the reproductive fluids, so the sensory indulgence of Venus coupled
with moons, a protective and nurturing nature leads to reproduction.
Jupiter exalts in moons sign, therefore, wisdom is a part of
the mind, Jupiter is also the karaka of peace of mind so in fourth it gives
peace of mind while imparting wisdom, in cancer the water element and a brahmin
sign Jupiter is supposed to be in an element just like the free flow of water
is represented by cancer the knowledge and grace of Jupiter in this sign is
ever-reliable wisdom and free-flowing.
Mercury Exalts in Virgo
and represents the intellect is an outcome of mind just as
a son is an outcome of the father's lineage. Mercury represents the intellect that stems
from the mind, in the 6th of the natural zodiac, it is the wisdom of the
first education that one's family and environment gives you.
Sign Virgo Gives The chance attaining siddhis,
intellectualism, striving for perfection and psychic consciousness Mercury
opposite to a planet that plays on senses and indulgence creates the use
intellect and reasoning to defeat the lure of vices based on the senses. It’s
the earth sign notice the moon and mercury they exalt in an earth sign, both are
fickle and wavering and require stability of element earth, mercury ass a the planet is of air modality it’s the process of breath and body’s signal system
and represents neurons the signal points of the body.
Saturn like the airy sign libra is an airy planet and it
exalts as it’s the karma of the karma bhava thus the Karam karaka,it represents
the balance required for the soul to progress in the light of austerities and
hardships of disciplined Saturn. Saturn represents the sense of touch and
therefore the carnal impetus too in the sign of Venus it goes in for indulgence
but in a limited reproductive role. Saturn, in fact, is 8th from
indulgence seeking Venus’s exaltation point and thus helps in taking control of
vices, its practicability stems from discipline, endurance, and experience. Saturn
in fact, represents the suppression of ego and helps the soul to progress and evolve.
Mars the Autocrat the, impatient, aggressive warrior is in its
element when in a confrontation so in the sign of Saturn under the practical
wisdom of Saturn and watchful eye of Jupiter the guru that evolves the wisdom
of learning and code of conduct,that is epitomized by dharma,struggles to
keep the soul/self and family in
prominence while fending off the challenges put forth by Life and the environment .
Venus exalts in the sign Pisces the very ingress of it being
Moksha or salvation from birth and death cycle. The sign earmarks the end just
as Aries marks the beginnings, Pisces as sign belongs to Jupiter the
Significator of dharma and wisdom, the higher intelligence so the indulgent
ways are checked from the exaltation point of Jupiter it’s the 9th
so dharma of the Mind and Guru. The intellect of mercury and the very sexless
nature and impact of mercury keeps the indulgence in check and when the Venus
becomes dispositor of exalted Saturn just imagine the esoteric upliftment and the support that Saturn can provide to moksha seeking soul.